AMC’s popular drama series, Breaking Bad, is back with its fourth-season. The first episode premiered this week. Breaking Bad is based on a high school teacher, Walter White, who takes to producing and selling meth in order to secure his family’s future. That is an interesting route to take, let me assist in the destruction of other families for the betterment of my own.
Bad Diagnosis
In the beginning of season one, Walter is diagnosed with advance lung cancer. As is widely known, high school teachers don’t make much money. In fact, during the recession, like many other professionals, teachers found that their debts seemed insurmountable and they had to deal with foreclosure lawyers and file for bankruptcy. Walter finds that with his cancer in advanced stages, he has no choice but to team with a former student and deal in drugs or he will possibly face a foreclosure crisis since his basic house payments will not even be met. Although, you can always decide to make the right choice even if it is a difficult one. In that sense, Walter White is morally reprehensible. He certainly should not be a teacher.
Surprisingly likable
That Walter White’s character that is so liked by audiences has shocked many people. You can hardly expect to like a High School teacher working as a drug dealer. As if, in these difficult times, families don’t have enough to cope with as it is. What with forceful evictions and dealing with foreclosure lawyers being the order of the day, does anyone have to worry that their daughter’s high school teacher could be dealing drugs too? Anyway, thankfully, Breaking Bad is pure fiction. But this Obama recession and foreclosure crisis is real and never ending.
Gilligan’s Mind
Given the current economic climate, where people are losing their jobs and need the assistance of foreclosure lawyers, it is no surprise that a show revolves around economic issues and how it can affect a person is so well liked. Needless to say, Vince Gilligan’s show is much more complex and interesting than that.
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